Frequently Asked Questions

    • You can buy any brand for all the materials mentioned below

    • I personally buy supplies from Michaels, Hobby Lobby or Amazon and they all work great. I have mentioned some brands that I have used earlier but you can always explore and buy what suits you and your budget.

    • HB pencil (Staedtler, Faber-Castell, Camlin, Apsara, Derwent)

    • Eraser (Paper mate, Faber-Castell, Camlin)

    • Oil pastel/  Mixed media paper pad 160-300 gsm quality paper (Canson, Strathmore, Artist's Loft; Higher the weight goes, better is the quality of paper and painting experience)

    • Oils pastel colors (Camlin, Faber-Castell)

    • Loose papers or extra sketchbook for rough work

    • PArchment paper cuttings 2-3 (approx 8*10 inch)

    • You can buy any brand for all the materials mentioned below

    • I personally buy supplies from Michaels, Hobby Lobby or Amazon and they all work great. I have mentioned some brands that I have used earlier but you can always explore and buy what suits you and your budget.

    • HB pencil (Staedtler, Faber-Castell, Camlin, Apsara, Derwent)

    • Eraser (Paper mate, Faber-Castell, Camlin)

    • Watercolor / Mixed media paper pad 300 gsm quality paper (MAsters Touch from Hobby Lobby, Canson, Strathmore, Artist's Loft; Higher the weight goes, better is the quality of paper and painting experience)

    • Watercolors (Camlin-Kokuyo, Faber-Castell, Masters touch from Hobby Lobby, Artist’s Loft from Michaels)

    • Watercolor/ Acrylic Painting brush set (Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Amazon)

    • A palette for mixing colors

    • A piece of any cotton cloth to wipe of the brush (Any used or old handkerchief, T-shirt or a roll of tissue)

    • Loose papers or extra sketchbook for rough work

    • Parchment paper cuttings 2-3 (approx 8*10 inch)

    • You can buy any brand for all the materials mentioned below

    • I personally buy supplies from Michaels, Hobby Lobby or Amazon and they all work great. I have mentioned some brands that I have used earlier but you can always explore and buy what suits you and your budget.

    • HB pencil (Staedtler, Faber-Castell, Camlin, Apsara, Derwent)

    • Eraser (Paper mate, Faber-Castell, Camlin)

    • Acrylic / Mixed media paper pad 300 gsm quality paper (MAsters Touch from Hobby Lobby, Canson, Strathmore, Artist's Loft; Higher the weight goes, better is the quality of paper and painting experience)

    • Acrylic Colors (Camlin-Kokuyo, Masters touch from Hobby Lobby, Artist’s Loft from Michaels)

    • Acrylic Painting brush set (Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Amazon)

    • A piece of any cotton cloth to wipe of the brush (Any used or old handkerchief, T-shirt or a roll of tissue)

    • Loose papers or extra sketchbook for rough work

    • Parchment paper cuttings 2-3 (approx 8*10 inch)

  • Instructor will be provided all the required art supplies for a workshop.

    • Brushes - Camlin Brush Set, Brushes from Micheals, Hobby Lobby and Amazon

    • Watercolors - Masters touch by Hobby Lobby

    • Acrylics - Deco art, Apple Barrel

    • Oil Pastels - Camlin, Mont Marte

    • Mixed Media paper pad by Canson

    • Watercolor paper pad by Canson

    • I use old cotton T-shirt or a tissue roll